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Board of Selectmen Minutes 05/19/2014
MAY 19, 2014

Present: James Wettlaufer, Michael Kennedy, Lynn Arnold
Wettlaufer called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM


The May 6, 2014 minutes were missing a discussion in regards to the Executive Secretary’s Additional Duties.  It was agreed approving the minutes would be held off until the next Board meeting.






The Board agreed to hold a public hearing on the service that Cox provides for cable on June 17, 2014 at 8:00 PM following the Select Board meeting.  The posting for the public hearing will have to be published in the local newspaper for two consecutive weeks.  

Code Red

Code Red requests the Town to allow five users to have access to the Code Red system, who can post announcements, warnings, etc.  Kennedy stated he (as Emergency Management Director) came up with a policy for the usage of system.  He would like to table the discussion until the Fire Chief and Police Chief have reviewed and commented on the Code Red Usage Policy.  

Vehicle Use Policy

Town Counsel supplied the Town with memo outlining the Vehicle Use Policy, the reason for establishing a policy and the intended purpose of the policy.  It was highlighted in the memo that 24 hour access to a vehicle in NOT synonymous with unfettered use.    

It was decided that instead of putting in any figure for insurance coverage on personal vehicles used for town business the Board decided to require the state minimum mandated coverage be carried.  It was also decided to leave in the driver log for taxation purposes.  Although taxation for fringe benefits is for commuting and the current Highway Surveyor does not use the vehicle to commute, it would protect the town in the future.  The discipline for violating the vehicle use policy will be handled by the Board of Selectmen on a case by case basis.  

Hamilton Dam Grant Application Proposal

A title search needs to be conducted for the grant application for the Hamilton Dam, as well as the town attorneys needs to provide the town with a certificate to title the project.  The Board was unsure if a title search and a certificate to title the project were the same.  That information will have to be confirmed with McClure as well as the town attorneys before moving forward.    

Annual Town Meeting Warrant

The Board rearranged the order of the warrant, as well as removed a few articles from the warrant including one that was put on by resident but did not have the signatures to petition the article, a duplicate article and two articles that were for the purchase of a Fire tanker and a Police cruiser.  

MOTION 05192014-1: To accept the changes to the Annual Town Meeting WarrantMotion made by Wettlaufer, seconded by Kennedy.
VOTE: ALL in favor

MOTION 05192014-2: To sign the Annual Town Meeting warrant. Motion made by Wettlaufer, seconded by Kennedy.
VOTE: ALL in favor


Olde Home Day Committee

Wettlaufer stated he was informed there was a previous Olde Home Day Committee that raised money but another Olde Home Day event was not ever held.  Wettlaufer had been given a sealed envelope with money by the Treasurer to hold and still had it.  He was giving that to the new committee as well as some minutes from the former committee.  He was also informed there may be a checking account that exists as well.  

Veterans Agent

Kennedy informed the Board he would like the Town to withdraw for East Hampden Veteran Services after some negative feedback reported about the current Veterans Agent.  Kennedy spoke with Evan (Makrinkolas) from the state department of Veterans Services and was told the town could write a letter to the state department, stating we no longer wish to be part of the District Veterans Services of East Hampden County and would like to appoint our own Veterans Agent.  Wettlaufer raised the question if there is any obligation to the current Veterans Agent such as insurance or retirement?  Brimfield was a member of the district but seemed to withdraw with little complication.  

MOTION 05192014-3: To write and sign a letter to the Department of Veterans Services informing them that the Town wishes to withdraw from District Veterans Services of East Hampden County.  Motion made by Wettlaufer, seconded by Arnold.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Additional Executive Secretary Duties

It was determined that the Executive Secretary’s pay increase would go up to an even $24,000 if approved at the Annual Town Meeting for FY15 to begin training to take over the Human Resource duties from the Treasurer.  The Executive Secretary would be responsible for tracking hours to determine how many additional hours are required to take on the duties.  

Seaboard Solar/Emergency Power

Wettlaufer stated he spoke to Dave Thomas from Seaboard Solar in regards to the Net Metering Credits program and was informed the Town should be getting a check within the next week for the production
Wettlaufer stated the money that would be coming from Seaboard Solar could potentially cover the cost to replace the emergency power supply for the Town Hall.  The system that was put in the town hall when it was built is expensive to replace and out dated.   It would most likely be more practical to replace the system with a generator.  Although the generators were looked into when the building was built and the price was extremely high for a three phase, the cost of generators has decreased significantly; it may be a better option.  Getting a three phase generator is the only option to power the entire building due to the way the elevator is wired into the electrical panel.  Kennedy will look into the costs of adequate generators for the building.  

Board of Health

A question on the Installers Test that the Board of Health issues, has been brought to the Board of Selectmen’s attention, which is completely inappropriate and not applicable to the installers test or septic systems whatsoever.  The Board will prepare a letter to the BOH insisting they revise the test immediately.  The question could be grounds for a sexual harassment or discrimination lawsuit.   


Annual Town Meeting May 27, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the Holland Elementary School

Holland Memorial Day Ceremony May 26, 2014 at 10:00 AM starting at the Town Hall and going down to the cemetery


Warrants in the amounts of $17,756.69– Payroll and $168,354.45 – Vendor were signed and delivered to the Treasurer

Motion 05192014-4: To adjourn the meeting at 8:05 PM.  Motion made by Arnold, seconded by Kennedy.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Respectfully Submitted,

Amy Bishop
Executive Secretary